Volleyball Team Drills for Offence and Defence

  • April 12, 2018

The game of volleyball is all about offence and defence. Defensive volleyball players should be prepared to resist the opposing team’s attacks anytime. On the other hand, attackers have to be able to carry out an attack hit and should try everything they can to land the ball on the opposite side of the court successfully. Obviously, a volleyball team has to focus on practicing both defence and offence skills. This blog post concentrates on the volleyball drills that players can do to improve the overall team’s offence and defence.

Defense and Blocking Drill

The main objective of this volleyball drill is to help volleyball players master blocking and digging skills. First of all, a coach has to divide volleyball players into two teams. Initially, volleyball players have to occupy defensive positions on each side of the court.

A coach has to deliver a free ball to one of teams and the drill begins. Then the drill is followed by a set. It’s worth noting that the ball can be set only by volleyball players who occupy high outside, high middle and high right side positions on the court. Players of the opposing team have to take the correct positions on the court and do their best to resist an opponent’s attack.

7  Before 4 FBA Drill

The main goal of this drill is to teach volleyball players how to react to the first ball attacks. First of all, volleyball players are divided into two teams. One of teams will be a serving team during the game. Another team will be responsible for receiving serves during the game.

A serving team serves a ball and the drill begins. Then, a rally is played out and a winning team gets a point. A receiving team has to win 7 points to earn 1 big point. A serving team has to win 4 points to win 1 big point.

If one of teams earns 1 big point, teams have to rotate. A volleyball team that earns 6 big points first wins a game. After that, a serving team becomes a receiving team and a receiving team becomes a serving team.

Bad Set Drill

This drill also needs to be a part of a volleyball team’s offence and defence training program. The main goal of this volleyball drill is to teach hitters how to adjust to bad sets. Practicing this drill on a regular basis will teach hitters how to take advantage of the difficult situations and carry out an attack hit.

Initially, volleyball players are divided into two teams. A coach has to position himself/herself at the right front position on the court. A setter also participates in a drill. However, he/she is not responsible for setting during the drill.

The drill begins when a coach tosses a ball to one of hitters on the court. A coach has to toss a ball either in a good way or in a bad way. The task of a hitter is to adjust to a set and carry out an attack hit. A hitter carries out an attack hit and the rally is played out. Teams have to change sides after 5 tosses.

SR Wash Drill

Two teams participate in the drill. The drill begins when one of teams serves a ball and another team receives a ball. As a result, the winner of a rally gets a point. Also, a winning team becomes a receiving team. A team wins 1 big point each time it wins 2 points. Teams have to rotate every 3 points. The drill is played until one of teams gets 15 big points. Vortex +4 Drill

The main purpose of this drill is to teach volleyball players offensive and defensive transitions. The drill is practiced by two teams. A coach gives a free ball to one of the teams and the drill begins. As a result, a winning team earns a point and receives the right to receive the next free ball from a coach. The team that wins 4 rallies first earns 1 big point. The drill ends when one of teams earns 15 big points.

Blocker Defence

It’s another good drill that players of a volleyball team can do together. It all begins with the preparation. Initially, volleyball players are divided into two teams. Players of each teams has to take defensive positions on the court.

Now, a coach tosses a ball to one of teams. According to the drill’s rules, the ball can’t be blocked or hit by a middle blocker. A middle blocker can only cover tips during the game. During this drill an outside hitter has to tip 1 of 3 sets.

The task of defensive volleyball players is to cover hitters during the game. Each time a defensive player covers a hitter he/she has to take an extra step. A game can be played until one of teams gets 5 – 10 points.

Offence Kill Drill

Doing this type of a volleyball drill helps attackers master an attack hit. The drill is practiced by two teams – the hitting team (3 hitters and 1 setter) and the defensive team (3 back row defensive players and 3 front row defensive players).

The drill begins when a coach tosses a ball to a setter on the offensive side. The job of a setter is to set a ball to one of hitters. Then, a hitter carries out an attack hit. An attacker should aim to hit the ball forcefully. The hitting team receives 1 point if it carries out a successful attack hit. The drill continues until the hitting team gets a predetermined number of points. 5 vs. 5 Dig or Die Drill

Those volleyball players, who practise 5 vs. 5 dig or die drill on a regular basis, usually find it easy to dig the ball in 1-on-1 situations. Practicing this drill regularly helps volleyball players develop an aggressive defensive strategy.

This drill is practiced by two teams. Each team has to consist of 5 volleyball players. A coach gives a free ball to one of teams during the game. As a result, a team carries out an attack hit. If a ball lands untouched on the opposite side of the court, opponents will lose all their points. The game is played until one of teams wins 8 points. When this happens, teams have to rotate. Serve Receive Lines

Those volleyball players, who practise this drill consistently, usually find it easy to serve the ball across the net. On the other hand, practicing this drill regularly will contribute greatly to team’s serve receive skills.

Three servers have to position themselves on the end line of the court. Three passers have to position themselves across the servers on other side of the court. Three passers must be prepared to rotate when such a need arises.

The drill begins when one of servers serve a ball to one of passers. Passers on the other side of the court should receive a ball and try to pass a ball to the target. Then, volleyball players have to rotate. As a result, a passer is replaced with another passer. Now, it’s time for a server to serve a ball across the net to another passer and the drill goes on. So, the drill consists of three parts: serving, passing and rotating.

Offense vs. Blockers

Actually, practicing this offence and defence drill has many great benefits. On the one hand, the drill gives defensive volleyball players an excellent opportunity to sharpen their blocking skills. On the other hand, the drill allows volleyball attackers to master hitting against the block. Above all, the drill helps volleyball players improve their setting and passing skills.

This volleyball drill brings together 3 blockers as well as 3 hitters, 1 setter and 2 passers. Volleyball players are divided into two teams – the hitting team and the blocking team. Blockers have to position themselves on one side of the court. Hitters, setter as well as passers have to go to another part of the court.

A drill begins when a coach tosses a ball to one of passers. Then, a passer should pass a ball to a setter. A setter sets a ball to a hitter who carries out a hard driven attack hit.

The blocking side has to do everything possible to block an attack. Blockers should try to use a

double block to resist the opposing team’s attacks. By doing so, they will be able to make it difficult for attackers to carry out a hit.

The hitting team receives 1 point if the attack has been successful. The blocking team receives 1 point if the attack has been resisted. The game is played until either a hitting team or a blocking team gets a certain number of points.

Thank you so much for reading this article. We’ve just provided you with some of the best volleyball team drills for improving offence and defence. And of course, volleyball players should practise these drills on a regular basis to take their offence and defence skills to the next level. Best of luck!