Volleyball Drills for Kids

We all know that playing sport is very important for kids. Playing sport delivers multiple significant benefits to kids. It’s worth noting that sport makes kids more disciplined. Kids, who play sport, usually manage their time more efficiently. And of course, sport is the type of physical activity that has a profound positive impact on the development of kids.
Volleyball is known for being one of the best sports for kids. Volleyball is the sport that has gained a huge popularity among kids.
Kids are recommended to do different types of volleyball drills in order to develop their skills. It’s crucial for volleyball players to do drills that allow them to develop passing skills, setting skills, blocking skills as well as serving skills.
It’s pretty clear that young athletes should learn the art of volleyball in a fun and engaging way. That means that the volleyball team’s coach should aim to make the team’s training process as simple as possible. Kids should obviously focus on the easy to do volleyball drills. When picking volleyball drills for kids, the coach has to take into account the age of kids as well as the skill level of kids.
The big question is – what types of volleyball drills are the most suitable for kids? In fact, there are many good volleyball drills for kids. Below, we’ll describe some of the best volleyball drills for kids. Additionally, we’ll outline the benefits of these drills and describe each of these drills in detail. Finally, you’ll be able to figure out how to get the most out of volleyball drills for kids.
So, let’s get started!
Amoeba Serving Drill
Amoeba Serving is a good volleyball drill for young players, who want to become good servers. Doing the volleyball drill of this type makes it possible for athletes to develop their volleyball serving skills quickly and successfully. Another big advantage of practicing this drill is that it gives young volleyball players the confidence they need during the game. Plus, doing the drills together teaches volleyball players how to play as an entire team.
Amoeba Serving is an easy drill that’s recommended for beginner servers. The drill is performed by servers and the coach (or assistant). Initially, servers have to go to one side of the court and the coach (or assistant) has to position him/her on the opposite side of the court (let’s call it the serving zone). The coach (or assistant) is the target for servers during this drill. The drill begins with the whistle of the blow. The coach (or assistant) blows the whistle and servers have to serve the ball to the target.
Let’s say that a server serves inaccurately and the ball goes over the serving zone. In this case, this player should position him/her in the serving zone. This player has to sit in the serving zone and he/she has to make an attempt to catch the ball when other players make a serve.
According to the rules of the drill, a player sitting in the serve zone is not allowed to stretch and go beyond his/her sitting position. If a player in the serving zone catches the ball, the server has to sit near him/her. The volleyball drill continues until there are no servers left.
The reality is, Amoeba serving drill can be very fun. In order to make this happen, the coach has to set the time limit for servers. As a result, servers will have to do their job under pressure. Serving within time limit is no easy task. Obviously, the time limit makes it more difficult for volleyball players to make good serves and hit the targets on the court successfully.
Basics of Setting Drill
This volleyball drill is performed by a pair of volleyball players. Player 1 has to push the ball up in the air. He/she has to send the ball in the air in the way that makes it easy for Player 2 to carry out an attack hit. Player 2 has to set the ball back to Player 1. As a result, both volleyball players will develop setting skills during the drill. Obviously, a volleyball drill of this type is easy to do. So, it can be performed by beginner volleyball players.
Hit the Floor Drill
It’s a great idea to do the volleyball drill of this type during a warm period. A coach has to prepare a whistle before Hit the Floor drill. Using the whistle the coach can let volleyball players know when they need to start running or when they need to stop running during the drill.
Volleyball players, who participate in this drill, should position themselves on one side of the court. The coach blows the whistle and the drill begins. After that, kids should run to the other side of the court. Kids have to run as fast as they can when doing the Hit the Floor drill.
The coach has to use the whistle the second time before kids reach the end of the court. Once kids hear the second whistle they need to dive for the ball. Lastly, kids have to get up quickly and continue running towards the end of the court.
When kids get used to the drill, the coach can make Hit the Floor drill more complicated. If, for example, a volleyball player reaches the end of the court the last, he/she has to leave the game. The drill continues until there are only two volleyball players on the court. These two remaining volleyball players are winners.
You need to know that doing the Hit the Floor drill makes a great impact on volleyball player’s speed and agility. Traditionally, kids are able to move quickly on the court after practicing this drill. It’s also important to note that practicing the Hit the Floor drill helps kids improve their reaction time dramatically.
Shuttle Passing Drill
The main objective of this drill is to practice passing skills.
First of all, the coach has to divide kids into two groups. Each group of kids has to go each side of the court. Volleyball players have to stand on the 10 foot line in front of each other.
During the drill volleyball players have to pass the ball back and forth to each other over the net. Volleyball players have to keep the ball in control and try to make accurate passes.
After making a pass, a volleyball player has to change his/her position on the court and return to the end of line on his side of the court.
Pass and Swing Drill
It’s no surprise that spike is one of key elements of a volleyball game. The main objective of this drill is to master the art of spiking.
However, the drill also helps a volleyball player develop passing skills. What is great about this drill is that it’s easy to perform. That’s why a volleyball drill of this type is good for kids of all ages and all skill levels.
It all begins with the preparation. The drill is performed by two volleyball players (tosser as well as hitter). The hitter has to position himself/herself near 10 foot line on the court.
The drill begins when a tosser makes a pass to a hitter. Then, a hitter passes the ball back to a tosser and must prepare himself/herself for an attack hit.
At this stage, a tosser has to toss the ball in the way that allows it to land near the net. Now, the hitter’s job is to approach to the ball and carry out an attack hit.
Agility and Overall Fitness Drill
Doing this type of a drill makes it possible for volleyball players to increase their agility and improve overall fitness. It is also important to note that this drill is very good for volleyball player’s reaction.
You need to know that the drill itself is very easy to do. A volleyball player should take a ball and hit it in the certain area of the floor. This volleyball drill starts with the blow of whistle.
When a volleyball player blows the whistle, all kids on the court have to shut down the ball at once. The last player has to leave the game. The drill goes on until only one volleyball player (winners) remains on the court.
Thank you so much for reading this article. As you can see, there are so many drills that kids can do in order to improve their volleyball skills. However, you must be prepared that it takes time for kids to get better results. Consistency plays a very important role in achieving success. Young volleyball players have to work hard and train regularly in order to become great volleyball players.