Tips for Mastering Basic Volleyball Skills

  • September 25, 2019

Volleyball is a unique and interesting sport. During the game a volleyball athlete has to play near the front line or near the back line. Oftentimes, a volleyball player has to shift from offense to defence or from defence to offence.

Obviously, an athlete has to develop different types of volleyball skills in order to be able to demonstrate the excellent results on the court. Key skills for volleyball include serving, setting, passing, spiking as well as blocking and digging.

Learning basic volleyball skills needs to be a key part of athlete’s training program. The job of a volleyball coach is to teach volleyball athletes how to serve, pass, set, hit and block the ball correctly. Later, a volleyball player has to try to improve his/her skills. In fact, learning volleyball skills is a journey that never ends. If you succeed in learning these volleyball skills, then you’ll be able to improve your game significantly and contribute greatly to your team’s success.

You need to know that it takes volleyball beginners some time to learn basic skills. So, don’t fall into despair if something goes wrong at the beginning! The reality is, things don’t always go easily. In this blog, you’ll be able to find some tips for mastering basic volleyball skills. Follow our tips to become better at volleyball.

Tips for Developing a Serving Skill

We all know that a volleyball game begins with a serve. If a serve is executed perfectly, a receiving team will find it hard to handle the ball and organize the attack. And of course, a volleyball player should aim to serve the ball in the best possible way. It’s crucial for a volleyball player to make a quick serve. Additionally, the contact with a ball has to be hard.

Actually, a volleyball player can serve the ball in many different ways. There are different types of serves in volleyball including float serve, jump serve, topspin serve as well as overhand serve and underhand serve. It would be nice for a volleyball player to master each of volleyball serving styles. This will make it possible for a volleyball athlete to diversify his/her game.

Tips for Developing a Passing Skill

Passing is also an incredibly important skill for a volleyball player. Let’s say you have received a ball after serve from the opposing team. Now, your task is to make a pass to one of your teammates. Clearly, you should strive to pass the ball accurately and make it easy for a setter to handle it.

The big question is – how to make the perfect pass in volleyball? It all begins with preparation. First of all, you must get ready for a volleyball pass and take the correct initial position on the court. Your legs should be bent, your hands should be extended forward and your fingers should be interlocked. Plus, you need to create flat surface with your hands. If you are well-prepared, you’ll find it easy to make a good pass. When making a pass, you need to follow the target and try to pass the ball in the right direction.

Tips for Developing a Setting Skill

Setting means the beginning of a volleyball attack. A setter receives the pass and sets the ball. After that, an attacker carries out an attack hit. It’s worth noting that a properly executed set increases the chance of an effective attack hit.

It’s pretty clear that a setter should strive to set the ball in the way that makes it easy for an attacker to carry out a successful attack hit. A volleyball setter has to prepare for setting correctly first. You need to raise your hands above your head. As a setter, you should set the ball about 4 feet above the net. Thus, an attacker will find it easy to hit the ball with power. The way you contact the ball also matters. Make sure that you contact the ball with the pads of your fingertips.

Tips for Developing a Hitting Skill

Hitting is the final stage of a volleyball attack. An attacker should strive to hit the ball forcefully and precisely. It’s important to know that the ball can be hit in different ways. Let’s say a volleyball player who is going to hit the ball has positioned himself/herself in the front row. In this case, it would be better for him/her to hit the ball over the net.

A volleyball hitter has to watch the game closely all the time. First of all, you should approach to the ball. When hitting the ball, you can use either 2-step or 3-step approach. Raise the hitting arm above your head. Next, you have to jump high in the air and carry out an attack hit. Above all, you should contact the ball in the right way. Contact the ball with the heel of your palm. Strive to hit the ball as hard as you can. Plus, you should try to find holes in the opposing team’s defence and land the ball on the opponent’s side.

Tips for Developing a Blocking Skill

Blocking is an integral part of a volleyball team’s defence. Each time an opposing team makes an attempt to organize an attack hit, volleyball blockers should do everything possible to resist it. It’s important to point out that it’s not allowed to block serves. In order to succeed in volleyball blocking, you need to position yourself on the court properly and prepare for resisting an attack hit.

Traditionally, front row volleyball players are responsible for blocking. It would be better to stand near the net and get ready for blocking. If you see that the opposing team is about to carry out an attack hit, then you need to approach to the blocking place. Then, jump up with hands above the head and try to block an attack hit.

If a block is successful, the ball is likely to go back to opponent’s side of the court. Keep in mind that the opposing team’s hitter will do their best to find holes in your defence. That’s why volleyball blockers must be always careful and they have to watch the game carefully. It makes a lot of sense to do blocking by the pairs of volleyball players. In this case, the opposing team’s attacker will find it difficult to hit the ball land it on your side of the court.

The reality is, the ball often goes in an unpredictable direction after blocking has been done. If this happens, the opposing team usually finds it hard to resist an attack hit. That means that volleyball blockers have a good chance to earn additional points for their team.

Tips for Developing a Digging Skill

Let’s assume that blockers can’t resist an attack hit. However, even if the ball goes through blockers you still have a chance to prevent the ball from landing on your side of the court. In this case, a volleyball player should take advantage of digging to stop the ball from hitting the ground.

When digging the ball you should aim to accomplish two goals. First and foremost, you should not allow the ball to land on your side of the court. You need to approach to the place where the ball is likely to land as soon as possible. If this happens, the opposing team will win extra points. Additionally, you should try to make a pass to one of your teammates in order to switch from defence to offence.

How to dig the ball in the right way? Now, let’s try to get the answer to this important question. It’s fair to say that digging always begins with diving. First of all, you need to dive close to the floor. After that, you have to make the contact with the ball. It would be great if the ball goes to one of your teammates after digging.

Thank you so much for reading this article. It’s recommended for every volleyball athlete to develop various skills. If you are a versatile player with a complex volleyball skill set (serving, passing, setting, hitting, blocking as well as digging), you are most likely to perform pretty well on the court during games and be able to contribute to your team’s success. We’ve just provided you with tips that you need to follow in order to succeed in learning basic volleyball skills. Mastering the art of volleyball is not always easy. Remember, the success doesn’t happen overnight! Never give up! Practise volleyball skills on a regular basis and success will come to you over time. Sooner or later, you’ll become a better volleyball player! Best of luck!